Building a Pastoral and Educational Centre

Building a Pastoral and Educational Centre

We believe that every child deserves a safe and supportive environment where they can learn, grow and thrive. That's why we are launching a fundraising campaign to build a new pastoral and educational centre for our school.

The current log cabins are not fit for purpose to be used for pastoral support and teaching interventions that help our children overcome barriers to learning, develop social skills and prepare for future lives.

We urgently need a new facility that can accommodate our pastoral and teaching interventions in a comfortable and safe setting.

We have commissioned a feasibility study for a new facility that offers flexibility in use. The new building will include:  - Two smaller rooms that can be used for individual or small group sessions - A large multi-purpose room that can be used for group sessions, workshops or events  - An upper floor facility for teachers planning and meetings  - Lockers for year 6 pupils, who currently have no adequate cloak space - Toilet facilities for year 6 pupils and community users

Your donation will make a huge difference to the lives of our children and staff

No matter how big or small, every donation counts. Together we can make this dream come true.

Thank you for your generosity and kindness

Your Committee
  • Kim Bygrave

    Kim Bygrave

  • Rebecca Windsor

    Rebecca Windsor
    (Vice Chair)

  • Letitia  Cox

    Letitia Cox

  • katherine langrish

    katherine langrish

  • Jacqui East

    Jacqui East

    School Staff member


Our school is short of space. Our Big Build will create a large multi-function facility plus cloak and toilet facilities for Year 6 & community use. Please support our campaign. Contact us to help or donate via GiveAsYouLive Donate

Can you help?

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